Foam & Wash Fundraising

We have a goal to raise $30,000 for St. Jude Children’s Hospital and we are going to make it, thanks to all of the great customers at Foam & Wash.

Benefits of Fundraising & Getting Started

Why Should You Choose the Foam & Wash Fundraising Program?
Profit Up To 50% of total sales--It is an easy way to raise large sums of money quickly without the hassle of taking orders or scheduling delivery times. We are proud of the local organization representing us and selling our auto care services. Additionally we hope to gain long term Foam & Wash fans and customers. Work with an established, local company who guarantees customer satisfaction. There is no financial investment–Foam & Wash covers the expense of the program. You have nothing to lose but much to gain!!

Why Does Foam & Wash Offer The Fundraising Program?
We are investing in the communities in which we operate. We have good, local organizations representing us. We hope to gain long-term Foam & Wash fans.

How Does It Work?
STEP 1 Choose a date you would like to start your fundraising program. Foam & Wash permits up to a one month selling period.
STEP 2 Select the type(s) of services you would like to sell and the quantity of each ticket. Experience has shown that each person sells an average of 5 tickets per service. If you need help deciding the quantity of tickets you would like, we can help.
STEP 3 Two weeks prior to your chosen selling period, call Foam & Wash Business sales department at (845) 444-0288.
STEP 4 On your scheduled time, pickup your tickets, and sign the contract.
STEP 5 Sell, sell, sell!
STEP 6 At the end of your selling period, collect the money from each seller and any unsold tickets. Reconcile your account and prepare to return to Foam & Wash with any of the unsold tickets and up to 50% of the money made out in a check to Foam & Wash Car Wash.
STEP 7 On your designated return date or sooner, return the reconciled tickets and money to Foam & Wash.
For more information contact: Kathleen Baright Business Account Representative Email: Phone: (845) 444-0288

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